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We are a group of enthusiastic, young and energetic three like minded futuristic mission driven friends (SRI) working on collaboration to bing you a niche well sensible trademark product that to serve you with confidence of excellence trust in return, protecting your intellectuals privacy and enabling to find your chosen lifestyle with peace of mind against preying data mining bots, in which the personality identity is being harvested for personal gain.
Do not put your self to be a product and set your generation to going through digital delima and victimize. As the future is not certain and we should not chosen to be manipulated by system, let’s have this control in hand today and follow us with trust whom compliance with law of GDPR. Change the way we do interacts with virtual world, so your shopping preference or promo sale announcements nearby find you reached on your own point of navigation via #OnSaleUAE @OnSaleUAE